Friday, October 1, 2010

Private Jet Used to Run Drugs

Private Gulfstream used to run drugs
Chartered Gulfstream used to run drugs. Via mizozo

Lisette Lee, a 28-year-old who claims to be an heir to the Samsung fortune, used a private jet to ferry large amounts of marijuana into the Columbus, OH area, federal investigators said.

Authorities say she made numerous trips to the Port Columbus International Airport—most recently with 500 pounds of pot for distribution in Ohio and surrounding areas. Lee was charged with conspiracy and possession of drugs with the intent to distribute. Her bodyguard and two personal assistants were also arrested, but were later released pending possible indictments.

The most interesting part of this story is the allegation that authorities were tipped off that she was travelling with a "suspicious amount" of luggage. Anyone who's worked at an FBO, for a charter operator, or has dealt with private travel can tell you that the 13 suitcases Lee was bringing is far from suspicious. In fact, some people travel with twice that! Paris Hilton tweeted pictures of her with all her luggage (although who KNOWS what was in those Louis trunks!)

Paris Hilton with Louis luggage
Via Shopping Blog

Sounds to me like someone knew what was going on and wanted to ruin her sweet deal. The profits from moving 500 pounds of MJ from California (where it would be cheap from Mexico) to Ohio (where it's in MUCH shorter supply and WAY more expensive) more than cover the twenty or thirty thousand for the charter!


  1. what a dumbass to take 500lbs of pot right through the airport! looking forward to more

  2. Lot's of suitcases but I'd still bone her, haha.

  3. Oh wow, that's crazy. That plane must have reeked lol.

  4. well that wasn't very smart...

  5. does the girl come with the jet?

  6. I imagine this sort of thing happens aaalll the time

  7. greedy people. why would u smuggle drugs if youre rich already!

  8. What thecatzpajamas said. This chick is rich, why risk it by doing a risky business of smuggling drugs?

  9. Why would an heir to a mass fortune traffic drugs? Really stupid, lol.

  10. Probably to pay off his wife's shopping bills.

  11. Rich people are baffling.



  13. hey, this is one of my more favorite posts from you :)

  14. I would like to be a DEA agent so I could bust some weedies. and then put grams in my pocket for my own dankhead ass.
